Re:Create Statement on USCO AI Report Pt 2

Washington, D.C. – Following the U.S. Copyright Office (USCO) release of part two of its report on Copyright and AI, focusing on the copyrightability of AI outputs, Re:Create Executive Director Brandon Butler issued the following statement.

“Re:Create welcomes the U.S. Copyright Office’s latest report on AI, and we applaud the office for concluding  that our existing balanced copyright framework is up to the challenge of parsing when works with AI elements are eligible for copyright,” Executive Director Brandon Butler said.

“Limiting copyright’s monopoly to human creativity is vital to preserving the public domain and staying true to copyright’s purpose: promoting access to knowledge and culture. We urge the USCO to take the same measured approach in its next report and to recognize that fair use is an adequate tool to  determine the lawfulness of AI training with copyrighted materials.”

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