Photo Credit: siriusrust


New EFF ‘404’ Report Shows How Draconian Copyright Policies Stifle Online Speech Worldwide

By: Rebecca Jeschke : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

U.S. Trade Regulators’ Criticism of Other Nations’ IP Practices is Flawed, Biased San Francisco – Overly broad intellectual property (IP) laws in Russia, Colombia, and Pakistan—which U.S. trade regulators say aren’t tough enough—stifle access to innovation and threaten artists, students, and creators around the globe with prison, censorship, and state prosecution, the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) said in a new…

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SOPA Lives On For the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition

By: Jeremy Malcolm : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

Last week the International Anti-Counterfeiting Coalition (IACC) held their spring conference in San Diego, to share intelligence about the latest strategies for combatting “counterfeiting” (by which they mean trademark infringement) and “piracy” (by which they mean copyright infringement). EFF’s Jeremy Malcolm attended as an invited panelist, giving us the opportunity to assert our views that anti-piracy campaigns should not infringe…

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Public Knowledge Joins Re:Create Coalition to Ensure Balanced Copyright Laws

By: Shiva Stella : Originally Posted On: Public Knowledge

Today, Public Knowledge joins Re:Create, a new coalition dedicated to promoting balanced copyright laws in the United States. As a partnership between public interest groups and trade associations, Re:Create will work to ensure that copyright laws are clear, simple and transparent while still fostering innovation, creativity, education and economic growth. Public Knowledge will work with Re:Create to engage and inform…

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Why Balanced Copyright is Essential for Creativity

By: Jonathan Band : Originally Posted On: Uncategorized

WHY BALANCED COPYRIGHT IS ESSENTIAL FOR CREATIVITY by JONATHAN BAND on APRIL 29, 2015 Today, Maria Pallante, the Register of Copyrights, will testify in the House Judiciary Committee’s twentieth (and perhaps final) hearing in its ongoing copyright review. In her written statement, the Register correctly recognizes that “the ultimate beneficiary of copyright law is the public at large” and that…

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What’s Missing from the Register’s Proposals

By: Krista Cox : Originally Posted On: ARL Policy Notes

*Guest post by Jonathan Band, policybandwidth* In her wrap-up testimony yesterday in the House Judiciary Committee’s two-year Copyright Review, Maria Pallante, the Register of Copyrights, identified three categories of policy issues: those that are ready for legislative process, those that warrant near-term study and analysis, and those that warrant further attention. Unfortunately, what many perceive to be the Copyright Act’s…

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NPR’s All Things Considered features the American Library Association’s Sari Feldman on library adoption of 3D printers

By: Recreate

NPR’s All Things Considered features the American Library Association’s Sari Feldman on library adoption of 3D printers. The implication of 3D printing technology under current copyright policy is an important topic.  To learn more, please check out Progress in the Making: 3D Printing Policy Considerations through the Library Lens from the American Library Association, and Public Knowledge’s papers, It Will Be Awesome…

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EFF Joins With Diverse Coalition to Get Copyright Right

By: corynne mcsherry : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

After decades of increasingly draconian statutes and judicial decisions, our copyright system has veered far away from its original purpose. To help get copyright back on track, EFF is joining forces with a variety of groups—including libraries, industry associations, and public interest advocates—to launch a new coalition focused on promoting smart, balanced copyright policy: Re:create. Restoring a sense of balance,…

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Re:Create Coalition to Advocate for Balanced Copyright Law

By: Brian Wesolowski : Originally Posted On: CDT

Today, CDT joins other non-profit advocacy organizations and trade associations in launching the Re:Create Coalition.  Re:Create represents an effort to simplify and balance copyright law and policy, identifying what works well and what doesn’t.  Through the coalition, CDT hopes to advance conversations about copyright beyond false dichotomies that needlessly pit creators of copyrighted works against consumers and innovators. This coalition…

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ARL Joins New Re:Create Coalition to Promote Balanced Copyright

By: Krista Cox : Originally Posted On: ARL Policy Notes

*Cross-posted from ARL News* Today, April 28, 2015, ARL joined US technology companies, trade associations, and civil society organizations in the launch of Re:Create, a coalition that promotes balanced copyright policy. A balanced copyright system depends on limitations and exceptions, such as fair use. As technology advances, it is imperative that the copyright law is responsive to these changes, balancing…

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Why U.S. Trade Promotion Authority Should Promote Balanced Copyright

By: Matt Schruers : Originally Posted On: Project Disco

As a fight over the trade promotion authority (TPA) bill “engulfs the capitol,” debate has arisen over whether Congress should identify obtaining balanced copyright language as a U.S. trade priority. Both the Internet Association and the Computer & Communications Industry Association (where I work) criticized the bill’s failure to acknowledge the importance of promoting balanced copyright among U.S. trading partners,…

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