Photo Credit: siriusrust


Big Media Gets Bigger, Independent News Gets Smaller

In spite of its name, the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) does not support the type of journalism in greatest need: local, independent outlets. This is not a coincidence. The loudest proponents of the federal JCPA and California’s near-identical version the California Journalism Preservation Act (CJPA) are also the biggest media conglomerates like Gannett and Alden Global Capital. To…

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Re:Create Letter to Congress for 2023

: Originally Posted On: Re:Create

Copyright law has wide-reaching impacts on all aspects of life, especially with advancements in the digital age. As policymakers consider how to spur innovation, creativity and economic growth, Re:Create outlined our 2023 balanced copyright priorities in a letter to Congress.

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GAO Report Reveals Extensive JCPA Concerns

In February 2022, the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) convened a two-day workshop with participants from a variety of backgrounds, including “academics, legal scholars, independent and affiliated journalists, publishers, and representatives of non-governmental organizations and technology companies.” The GAO’s goal: compile insights about journalism and news consumption amidst an ongoing digital transformation. One year later, following supplemental interviews and a…

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Re:Create Statement On Reintroduction of the JCPA

Re:Create issued the following statement after the Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) was reintroduced in the 118th Congress: “A few months ago congressional concerns over the JCPA’s expansive harms to local journalism and opposition to its unbridled financial support for Big Media led to its downfall. Nothing has changed, and the re-introduced JCPA remains shrouded in these same concerns,”…

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How Fair Use Elevates Everyday Life

In honor of this year’s Fair Use Week, Re:Create Coalition is highlighting how fair use enhances creativity and is essential to everyday activities. From using quoted classic literature text in a book report, to creating memes based on a copyrighted picture, to reporters using previously aired news content in their news segment — fair use is essential to everyone. Re:Create…

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Re:Create Congratulates Subcommittee Leaders Senator Coons, Senator Tillis, Representative Issa and Representative Hank Johnson

Re:Create issued the following statement after leadership positions were announced for both the House Judiciary Subcommittee on Courts, Intellectual Property, and the Internet, and the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property. “Re:Create congratulates Sen. Coons and Sen. Tillis for their nominations as Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate Judiciary Subcommittee on Intellectual Property. Re:Create also congratulates Rep. Issa and…

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