Photo Credit: siriusrust


Re:Create Recap – August 18, 2016

Re:Create Coalition To European Commissioners: Safe Harbors Enable The Internet To Flourish. After news spread across the pond that the European Commission is considering departing from the safe harbor framework under EU copyright law, Re:Create’s Executive Director Joshua Lamel sent a letter this week to European Commission Vice President Andrus Ansip and Commissioner Gunther H. Oettinger. The letter states, in…

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Letter to EU from Re:Create Executive Director

European Commission Vice President Andrus Ansip European Commissioner for Digital Economy and Society Günther H. Oettinger Rue De La Loi 200 1000 Brussels Belgium Dear Commission Vice President Ansip and Commissioner Oettinger, We are writing today in response to a concerning news report that the European Commission (EC) is considering reviewing the important safe harbor framework for internet intermediaries that are at…

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Re:Create Recap – August 11, 2016

Re:Create At SXSW 2017 – Vote For Us! For a second consecutive year, the Re:Create Coalition is applying to bring the copyright conversation to SXSW. Our panel, Know Your CopyRIGHTS as a Digital Creator, features a YouTube personality, a journalist/author and a digital attorney to discuss fair use, what is considered infringement and other complex copyright regulations. Show us your…

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Re:Create Recap – August 4, 2016

Stephen Colbert’s Identical Twin Cousin Raises Copyright Issues. During CBS’ “Late Show” coverage of the DNC, comedian Stephen Colbert resurrected his eponymous “Colbert Show” character. Shortly after airing the episode, Colbert announced on-air that lawyers contacted CBS to claim the character of Stephen Colbert as Comedy Central’s intellectual property before introducing his “identical twin cousin” also named Stephen Colbert. “I…

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Re:Create Recap – July 28, 2015

Re:Create Executive Director Interviewed On Sirius XM POTUS. Josh Lamel, Executive Director of the Re:Create Coalition, spoke on Sirius XM POTUS’ Morning Briefing on Monday to talk about the use of popular music at campaigns. Lamel explained that Trump’s use of songs at the Republican National Convention was likely covered by a comprehensive music license for a public performance and…

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Re:Create Executive Director on Sirius XM POTUS

On Monday, July 25, Josh Lamel, Executive Director of the Re:Create Coalition was a guest on Morning Briefing on the Sirius XM Radio POTUS channel to discuss the legality of Trump’s use of the Queen song, “We are the champions” as well as other copyright and licensing issues. You can listen to the entire interview below.  

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Re:Create Recap – July 21, 2016

Re:Create Highlights Role Of Fair Use At Comic-Con. As artists, creators and fans descend upon Comic-Con International in San Diego this week, the Re:Create Coalition released its “Fair Use At Comic-Con” infographic. The infographic highlights how often the fan fiction community interacts with fair use, from vlogging, to showcasing your homemade Steampunk Batman costume, to writing a new chapter of…

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A Day In The Life of Fair Use: A Different Kind of Superhero at Comic-Con

As artists, creators and fans of all shapes and sizes descend upon Comic-Con International in San Diego, CA this week, the principle of fair use will be there with them. No, fair use is not the name of a new caped character, but it is a different kind of superhero to the fan fiction community. Fair use is a part…

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Re:Create Recap – July 14, 2016

WaPo Editorial Board: Senate Should Give Librarian Of Congress Nominee A Vote. Yesterday, the Senate approved Dr. Carla Hayden to become the fourteenth Librarian of Congress. Earlier in the week, The Washington Post Editorial Board urged the Senate to give Dr. Carla Hayden “the consideration she deserves” following reports that partisan infighting delayed Senate approval. Following her confirmation, the American…

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Re:Create Recap – July 7, 2016

Without DMCA’s Safe Harbor Provisions, New Platforms Wouldn’t Exist. Re:Create Coalition Executive Director Josh Lamel penned an op-ed in Engadget, Let’s Fight to Protect the Democratization of Creativity, on Section 512 and the recent roundtables held by the U.S. Copyright Office. In the piece he argues proposed changes to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) could impose irrevocable harm: “Without…

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