Photo Credit: siriusrust


Re:Create Recap – April 27, 2017

Re:Create Coalition Calls On Senate To Oppose H.R. 1695. The Re:Create Coalition issued a statement following the House’s approval of H.R. 1695, a bill that would make the Register of Copyrights – the head of the U.S. Copyright Office – a presidential appointee: “We are disappointed that the House failed to stop this flawed bill from passage. We can’t allow…

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What They’re Saying: Opposition Continues To Grow Against H.R. 1695, The Register of Copyrights Selection and Accountability Act

U.S. Rep. Zoe Lofgren: “It Will Only Serve To Delay Copyright Office Modernization.” “This bill is a vote of ‘no confidence’ in a Librarian who is aggressively pulling the Library and Copyright Office into the 21st century and, by all evidence, justifiably reassigned an ineffective and negligent Register. It will only serve to delay Copyright Office modernization, harm the public,…

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Op-ed: With Register of Copyrights bill, big media seeks its own in-house lobbyist

With Register of Copyrights bill, big media seeks its own in-house lobbyist By Kerry Maeve Sheehan The Hill April 24, 2017 “Why are advocates for major media and entertainment companies pushing Congress to rush through a bill that would make the U.S.’s top copyright official— the Register of Copyrights— a position appointed by the president and confirmed by the Senate? Unfortunately,…

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Re:Create Recap – April 20, 2017

Wall Street’s Charging Bull vs. Fearless Girl: A Lesson In Free Speech And Fair Use. Last week, artist Arturo Di Modica and his lawyers threatened a copyright lawsuit to remove the popular “Fearless Girl” statue opposing his iconic “Charging Bull.” Re:Create’s Executive Director Joshua Lamel spoke with Fortune for the April 16 article, Charging Bull vs. Fearless Girl: Why the…

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Re:Create Recap – April 13, 2017

Publishers Weekly: Critical Report Could Derail ‘Copyright Boss’ Bill. “Details of mismanagement at the Copyright Office complicate a rushed legislative attempt to block Librarian of Congress Carla Hayden from appointing a new Register of Copyrights,” reported Andrew Albanese with Publishers Weekly. The April 6 article dives into a recently released Inspector General’s report that discusses mismanagement at the Copyright Office…

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Re:Create Recap – April 6, 2017

Re:Create Coalition Urges Congress And White House To Support Balanced Copyright. As covered by Axios’ Login, the Re:Create Coalition sent letters this week to Congress and the White House urging our nation’s leaders to encourage a copyright agenda that supports innovation, creators, and consumers. The letter explained, “Attempts to improve the effective uses of U.S. copyright law serve an important…

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ReCreate Coalition Letter to 115th Congress and White House: Supporting a Pro-Innovation, Pro-Creator, Pro-Consumer Copyright Agenda

ReCreate Coalition Letter to 115th Congress and White House: Supporting a Pro-Innovation, Pro-Creator, Pro-Consumer Copyright Agenda Re:Create is a coalition founded in 2015 to engage policymakers and the public by starting a conversation on the positive impact the internet has had on creativity and innovation over the last 25 years. Collectively, the members of Re:Create operate over 100,000 libraries visited…

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What They’re Saying About The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

Policy experts, law professors and others agree that the DMCA is a balanced law that benefits innovation, economic growth and even its entertainment industry critics The Balance Of Current Law NYU Law Professor Chris Sprigman And Stanford Law Professor Mark Lemley: “The genius of the DMCA is that it lets technology startups comply with the law without hiring a platoon…

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Re:Create Recap – March 30, 2017

Copyright Register Bill Would Hinder Modernization Efforts. On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee passed the Register of Copyrights and Accountability Act. Re:Create and several member organizations expressed concern with the bill. Re:Create Executive Director Joshua Lamel released a statement, cautioning that, “The Copyright Office is already lagging behind the latest technology developments and is in need of modernization in order…

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Creativity and the Internet

To the Editor: Re “Subscriptions Turn Culture’s Spoiler Into Its Savior” (State of the Art column, Business Day, March 16): We agree with Farhad Manjoo that the internet is saving culture, not killing it. The internet has enabled and empowered a new generation of creators who have unleashed a tremendous amount of creativity. More books, more music, more films and…

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