Photo Credit: siriusrust


Re:Create Recap – August 3, 2017

NAFTA Negotiations Must Include Copyright Exceptions For Libraries To Function. In a July 29 blog post, the American Library Association’s Carrie Russell wrote about the importance of including copyright law exceptions, such as fair use, in NAFTA re-write negotiations. Russell wrote: “Our message hasn’t changed—Congress put exceptions in the copyright law for a reason, so trade negotiators, don’t mess around…

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Re:Create Recap – July 27, 2017

Meet Elisa Kreisinger: Artist, Pop Culture Remixer, Copyright Activist. In order to draw more attention to women and the LGBT community, Elisa Kreisinger, known as “Pop Culture Pirate,” took matters into her own hands. Profiled in the Re:Create Coalition’s new creator series, she began creating feminist video mashups of pop culture, using clips from shows such as “Mad Men” and…

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Re:Create Recap – July 20, 2017

Re:Create Coalition Urges USTR To Clarify IP Objectives For NAFTA. This week, the Re:Create Coalition released a statement urging the United States Trade Representative (USTR) to clarify the intellectual property objectives in NAFTA and safeguard fair use and safe harbors. In an interview with Inside Trade’s Brett Fortnam, Lamel explained that balanced copyright should be “the floor for what fair use language should look like”. Other copyright…

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Re:Create Recap – July 13, 2017

Listen In: A New Kind Of CEO In The Digital Age. In the latest episode of our Copy This podcast, YouTube superstar Peter Hollens talks about what it’s like to be a successful a cappella singer and entrepreneur in today’s new creative economy. Hollens started creating videos as a one-man-shop, but today, he is a YouTube cover artist with more…

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Re:Create Recap – July 6, 2017

OP-ED: DMCA Safe Harbor Protections Create Value For The Internet Economy. A Morning Consult op-ed by the Internet Association’s Abigail Slater examined an NERA Economic Consulting analysis conducted to quantify the importance of strong DMCA Section 512 safe harbor protections for hosts of online content in the economy. The analysis showed that weakened safe harbor protections could cost the U.S….

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Re:Create Recap – June 29, 2017

Study: Weakening Safe Harbor Protections Would Cost The U.S. Over 4 Million Jobs. A June 29 study found that weakening safe harbor protections would significantly reduce economic activity in the internet sector, resulting in the loss of over four million American jobs and $440 billion in GDP every 10 years. The study, released by the Internet Association, revealed that weakened…

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Re:Create Recap – June 22, 2017

New Video: Understanding Section 512 Of The DMCA. This week, the Re:Create Coalition debuted a new video illustrating the importance of Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) in protecting free speech online. The internet economy requires a delicate balance between protecting copyrighted content online and giving consumers and creators the freedom to legally access and add to…

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Video: Understanding the DMCA Section 512 and Safe Harbors

New business models thrive on remixing and recreating, and every consumer can become a content creator. This creative flourishing requires a delicate balance between protecting copyrighted content, and giving consumers and other creators the freedom to legally access and add to existing materials. This balance is maintained by a set of digital copyright laws called the DMCA. And today, one…

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Re:Create Recap – June 15, 2017

Re:Create Coalition And Other Groups: NAFTA Renegotiations Should Include Fair Use. A balanced approach to U.S. copyright language remains as important as ever as the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) begins weighing changes to NAFTA. Public interest groups and tech organizations urged the U.S. Trade Representative to continue to preserve existing limitations and exceptions, including fair use and safe harbors. In…

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What They’re Saying: Protecting A Balanced Copyright System In NAFTA Renegotiations

Public interest groups and tech organizations urge the U.S. Trade Representative to continue to preserve existing limitations and exceptions, including fair use and safe harbors. Re:Create Coalition: “[I]f NAFTA is going to include provisions on copyright…The economic implications of failing to include strong fair use protections are profound, especially given the propensity of the USTR to negotiate strong copyright protection…

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