Photo Credit: siriusrust


Re:Create Recap – February 8, 2018

Ad Bowl Fallout Continues For Chrysler. Chrysler’s Super Bowl ad for a pickup truck has already been criticized for using a speech from Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr, but things took a turn for the worse when Current Affairs magazine created a critique video. After using audio from the same exact speech where King explicitly criticizes car ads, the media…

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Re:Create Recap – February 1, 2018

Meet Fanfiction Writer Michael Lemley. Michael Lemley first discovered fanfiction through MTV’s Teen Wolf. Since then, he has written over 800,000 words of fanfiction on Archive of Our Own, the leading forum for fanfiction and a free service run by the Organization for Transformative Works. In the latest profile for our New Creator Series, Michael explained the role of fair…

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Re:Create Recap – January 25, 2018

Don’t Be Fooled By Hollywood’s Latest Fiction. In yet another attempt to push heavy-handed enforcement measures, Hollywood and members of the entertainment industry are calling for more stringent copyright enforcement. “The gatekeepers of the entertainment industry claim to represent ‘creators’ yet they routinely ignore the interests of millions of bloggers, podcasters, internet video stars and Etsy artisans who rely on…

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Re:Create Executive Director quoted in Washington Internet Daily

MPAA, Creative Groups Urge Pro-IP Track in Trade Talks By Anne Veigle January 24, 2018 “…NAFTA delegates and policymakers ‘shouldn’t be fooled by Hollywood rhetoric,’ responded Joshua Lamel, Re:Create Coalition executive director. ‘The gatekeepers of the entertainment industry claim to represent “creators” yet they routinely ignore the interests of millions of bloggers, podcasters, internet video stars and Etsy artisans who rely on…

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ReCreate Recap – January 18, 2018

Farmers Or Celebrities? Livestreaming Changes Country Life In China. Livestreaming is transforming some Chinese farmers into celebrities, reported NPR. Liu Jin Yin is a 26-year-old farmer who earns far greater income from livestreaming videos of his daily life in rural Sichuan Province to nearly 200,000 subscribers. “When I started livestreaming, my neighbors saw me talking to myself and thought I…

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ReCreate Recap – January 11, 2018

Users Don’t Own Their Marvel “Create Your Own” Comics. Social media and other creative platforms are usually celebrated for empowering ordinary people to create and share content. However, Marvel’s “Create Your Own,” a new platform for fans to write comic strips featuring Marvel characters, ironically does just the opposite, according to The Verge’s Kaitlyn Tiffany. The “Create Your Own” terms…

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ReCreate Recap – January 4, 2018

America’s Public Domain Laws Remain Stuck In The Past. January 1 marked Public Domain Day — the date when certain published works enter the public domain, allowing artists and consumers to freely appreciate, recreate and remix works by creators like Rene Magritte, John Coltrane and Winston Churchill. The U.S., however, will wait one more year until works enter the public…

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Op-Ed: Keep America Winning Online: Promote America’s Balanced Copyright System

Keep America Winning Online: Promote America’s Balanced Copyright System By Joshua Lamel Morning Consult December 14, 2017 When the North American Free Trade Agreement was signed in 1993, the internet economy as we know it today barely existed. Online content platforms such as Facebook and YouTube were a decade from launching and a few lucky users connected to the internet…

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Re:Create Recap – December 14, 2017

Re:Create Executive Director: Keep America Winning Online By Promoting A Balanced Copyright System. Executive Director Joshua Lamel penned a December 14 op-ed in Morning Consult calling for balanced copyright provisions, such as safe harbors and fair use, to be included in a renegotiated NAFTA if copyright is included in the agreement. Lamel wrote: “Fair use benefits 18 million American workers,…

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Re:Create Recap – December 7, 2017

Is Browsing The Web A Copyright Violation? In a recent blog post, Public Knowledge’s Katrina Worsham explained how current court interpretations essentially render browsing the internet a copyright violation. “Courts have held that creating a copy of website code in a browser’s cache constitutes a copyright violation. The issue here is that copying site code into a browser is the only…

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