Photo Credit: siriusrust


The Next Register of Copyrights Must Be Accountable To American Consumers

“With the next Register of Copyrights likely being announced soon, Re:Create reiterates our call that the next Register assume the Office with accountability to ALL stakeholders in the copyright system, including American consumers and new creators,” said Josh Lamel, executive director of Re:Create. “The Copyright Office has made encouraging progress in recent years to modernize its capabilities for the 21st…

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Going Virtual: Tech-Enabled Conferences and Events

By: Ethan Wham : Originally Posted On: Project Disco

As this year continues, with the ongoing need for precautions and changes to operations due to the Coronavirus, many major events have shifted from in-person to virtual. The most recent of these significant events to follow this pattern are the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, which were held last week and this week respectively. Even without the physical, in-person aspect…

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Re:Create Recap August 21, 2020

Wyden-Clarke Bill Will Remove IP Barriers To Patient Care During COVID-19 Pandemic. Following the introduction of the Critical Medical Infrastructure Right-to-Repair Act of 2020 introduced by Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) and Rep. Yvette D. Clarke (D-NY), Re:Create Executive Director Joshua Lamel issued the following statement of support: “We must do all that we can to support health care providers and…

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Get To Know Our Members: Organization for Transformative Works

Re:Create’s Get to Know Our Members blog series helps others better understand the different ways Re:Create members work to support balanced copyright laws and why they are so motivated by copyright issues. For this post, we heard from Betsy Rosenblatt, legal chair at the Organization for Transformative Works. 1: What is your organization’s mission? The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is…

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No One Should Have to Wait Eight Months for a Library Book

: Originally Posted On: Public Knowledge

After recent Black Lives Matter protests, Americans rushed to libraries to request books on history, politics, and anti-racism. There were immediate shortages of certain books, with up to six month waits for commonly recommended titles. This happened throughout the entire system — even electronic books had long queues to check out. This is, in part, […]

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What Really Does and Doesn’t Work for Fair Use in the DMCA

By: Katharine Trendacosta and Corynne McSherry : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

On July 28, the Senate Committee on the Judiciary held another in its year-long series of hearings on the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). The topic of this hearing was “How Does the DMCA Contemplate Limitations and Exceptions Like Fair Use?” We’re glad Congress is asking the question. Without fair use, much of our common culture would be inaccessible, cordoned…

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ICYMI: Why Fair Use Is Crucial In the DMCA

**In Case You Missed It** Why Fair Use Is Crucial In the DMCA WASHINGTON—During the July 28 Senate Subcommittee Hearing on Intellectual Property hearing “How Does the DMCA Contemplate Limitations and Exceptions Like Fair Use?”, copyright policy experts and creators made the case that fair use and section 512 of the DMCA are supporting partners in the promotion of free speech…

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Re:Create Recap July 24, 2020

Op-ed: Small Business Internet Infrastructure Providers Need Section 512. In an op-ed published by Inside Sources, Internet Infrastructure Coalition cofounder Christian Dawson argues that in its recent hearings on the DMCA, “Congress is narrowly framing this debate as one with just two players — content v. “Big Tech,” without assessing the negative impacts of proposed DMCA changes on the multitudes…

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New Morning Consult Poll Shows Americans’ Use, Views On Tech In Times Of Covid

By: Heather Greenfield : Originally Posted On: CCIA

Washington — A Morning Consult poll shows Americans have found value in a range of tech services they are using even more frequently during the pandemic. The poll, commissioned by the Computer and Communications Industry Association, showed how important consumers found video chat, video streaming, food delivery services and the range of services gaining popularity. Overall, a majority of Americans (62%) said…

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It’s Summer, and Copyright Reform is in the Air

By: Stan Adams : Originally Posted On: CDT

The oft-heated debate over the Digital Millennium Copyright Act’s (DMCA) Section 512 is nothing new, but this summer’s scorching heat might just bring the debate to a boiling point. The Copyright Office has finally released its long-awaited report on Section 512, the Senate is holding a series of hearings on the DMCA, and as EU members struggle to implement the Directive on…

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