Photo Credit: siriusrust


Google v. Oracle Supreme Court Fight Was Bigger Than the Litigants

By: Matt Schruers : Originally Posted On: Project Disco

Today the Supreme Court decided the long-running Google v. Oracle copyright case, which began more than a decade ago.  Supreme Court cases of this nature often elicit horse-race coverage — who won, who lost — but today’s decision that reimplementation of an API is fair use will have a far greater impact on software programmers and developers than it will on either of the two…

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Victory for Fair Use: The Supreme Court Reverses the Federal Circuit in Oracle v. Google

By: Michael Barclay : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

In a win for innovation, the U.S. Supreme Court has held that Google’s use of certain Java Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) is a lawful fair use. In doing so, the Court reversed the previous rulings by the Federal Circuit and recognized that copyright only promotes innovation and creativity when it provides breathing room for those who are building on what has come…

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ReCreate Recap: April 2, 2021

What Would Changing The DMCA Mean For Startups? When it comes to proposed changes to our copyright laws, the harmful impact on startups is often overlooked compared to larger technology and content industry companies. In a new blog post, Engine breaks down some of the proposals, including mandatory filtering and notice and staydown, and how they would harm the tech…

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Calls Intensify to Allow Libraries to Narrow Digital Divide

: Originally Posted On: SPARC

At an event discussing disinformation and the digital divide, U.S. Senator Ron Wyden from Oregon said he was committed to supporting a balanced copyright system that promotes fair use, digital lending, and the work of libraries. “Libraries provide vital public services by making high quality resources available to everybody. And that’s true no matter what you’ve got in your bank   account…

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Proposals to Change Copyright Law: What Do They Mean For Startups?

By: Abby Rives : Originally Posted On: Engine

Every day, people use the Internet to create and share content with others across the globe—and those users, and the Internet companies they rely on, each depend on a copyright framework some policymakers are looking to change. Specifically, a few members of Congress indicated they may be willing to re-open Section 512 of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA). Unfortunately,…

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Free as in Climbing: Rock Climber’s Open Data Project Threatened by Bogus Copyright Claims

By: Mitch Stoltz : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

Rock climbers have a tradition of sharing “beta”—helpful information about a route—with other climbers. Giving beta is both useful and a form of community-building within this popular sport. Given that strong tradition of sharing, we were disappointed to learn that the owners of an important community website,, were abusing copyright to try to shut down another site The good news…

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Video: The Untold Story of SOPA/PIPA

: Originally Posted On: Public Knowledge

In January of 2012, an unprecedented coordinated protest took place online in opposition to two federal bills, the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the PROTECT IP Act (PIPA). More than 115,000 websites published protest content or even completely shut down for the day in an attempt to shut down these internet blacklist attempts. The extreme anti-piracy bills would have jeopardized online community platforms…

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ReCreate Recap March 19, 2021

Copyright Stakeholders Object To Proposed Digital Copyright Act. In comments submitted to Senator Thom Tillis on his proposed Digital Copyright Act of 2021, Re:Create, its members, consumer groups and other copyright stakeholders were unified in their strong, clear objections to the flawed proposal which would warp the DMCA. The objections were based on concerns with the creation of a “copyright…

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Thank You for Speaking Against a Terrible Copyright Proposal

By: Katharine Trendacosta : Originally Posted On: EFF Deep Links

Last week was the deadline for comments on the draft of the so-called “Digital Copyright Act,” a proposal which would fundamentally change how creativity functions online. We asked for creators to add their voices to the many groups opposing this draft, and you did it. Ultimately, over 900 of you signed a letter expressing your concern. The “Digital Copyright Act”…

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